Kro’s Nest

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  • How to Sail the High Seas

    How to Sail the High Seas

    Looking for movies, TV shows, or games, but don’t want to pay a dime? Here’s a guide on how you can find such treasures quickly, safely, and most importantly, FOR FREE!  Step 1: Protection Adblocker Alright sailor, before you begin plundering you still need to defend your booty! Many “supplier” websites are covered in suspicious…

  • Frieren: Open Source WiFi Pineapple Alternative

    Frieren: Open Source WiFi Pineapple Alternative

    If you clicked on this article you’ve probably heard of the WiFi Pineapple before. For those who don’t know the WiFi Pineapple is a router-like wireless audit and pentesting platform (you can read more about it on the Hak5 Website). But the Pineapple isn’t our main focus today, it’s Frieren. ⚠️Warning⚠️: xchwarze, Frieren’s creator, has…

  • Giving AI Access to the Terminal

    Giving AI Access to the Terminal

    With the rise of LLMs and other AI tools, it’s given that many people would use them for automating tasks. One major interest for this is code or command generation with LLMs and in this article, we’ll look at how effective LLMs are at completing a given task when given full access to the user’s…